Here in the Pacific Northwest, it hardly ever snows in winter. Not at this elevation anyway. Even when it does snow it's usually no more than a dusting. Mostly just rain. And more rain. Many locals don't even use umbrellas that much as they're so used to the constant drizzle.
Not so this winter.
It snowed a bit the week before Christmas. Then it snowed some more. It snowed so much that we were snowed in for a good week. In fact they called it the Arctic Blast of 2008. The area was simply not equipped to deal with so much snow. Chains for tires? We didn't have any. And we needed chains to get to the store to buy chains, which was kinda hard.
It started to feel like Groundhog Day. We'd get up, look out the window to a world covered in a blanket of white stuff. Feed the kids, feed the gold fish, play Monopoly, Disney/Pixar edition, eat lunch, edit photos, get on facebook, ...
Finally I had had it. I had to get out and get some photographing out of my system. A single oak leaf on perfectly fallen snow. Cool. My shoe print. Yeah. Chimney of the house across the street protruding a good layer of fluffy white on the roof. Click. I was happy.
Sure brings back memories. We used live in upstate New York where we'd get about 100 inches of snow every winter. There'd be piles of snow in parking lots taller than people. Snow blowers were necessities. And it was fun the first few times I used it. Then it got to be getting up half an hour earlier in the cold morning to clean the driveway so we could get out, it wasn't so much fun any more.
Now I miss my Snow King!