Three seniors, one session. 'Nuf said. Daniel, Christine and Jack have known one another all their lives. Top students in their class, they're also athletic and musically talented. Christine's cousin Tim came and assisted me. This was a family event, as little brother, sister, aunt all came to help, even grandma was there... We met up at Esther Short park, and walked around a bit for interesting backdrops. Our favorite had to be the turtle place. As the sun went down and we brought out the OCF--off camera flash--the real fun began. I loved their energy and chemistry. What a blast!!

Even after we had declared "it's a wrap," I did not put away my camera. When we got to the car, Jack jumped on top of the car and I quickly asked Tim to put the light in place, and voila! One of my favorite pics from the day!!
Larry love the last shot. Too fun. I bet your glad you hadn't put your camera away! I'm friends with Paula Wessels.